English Version / 中文版
1. | Parents who would like their child to be admitted to our school (Primary One to Five: 2nd Term), please visit our school website and apply online from 9:00am on 1st November 2024 (Firiday) to 5:00pm on 21st November 2024 (Thursday). School Website: https://primary.munsang.edu.hk/ → For Public → Admissions → 2024-2025 (2nd Term) |
2. | Age requirement Application for entry to Primary One: born on or before 31st December 2018 Application for entry to Primary Two: born on or before 31st December 2017 Application for entry to Primary Three: born on or before 31st December 2016 Application for entry to Primary Four: born on or before 31st December 2015 Application for entry to Primary Five: born on or before 31st December 2014 *Repeaters will not be admitted. |
3. | Only online applications will be accepted. The procedure for online application is only applicable to desktop computers. | |
4. | Applicants must complete the application procedure and pay the application fee within an hour. Otherwise, it will be regarded as giving up the application. Applicants will have to start the application procedure again. | |
5. | Before starting the online application, please scan the following documents (The size of each file: 500KB-1MB. File Name: Application for Primary_Name in English, e.g. P2_CHAN TAI MAN). |
(i) | a recent passport photo (in JPG format); | |
(ii) | candidate’s birth certificate (in PDF format) (If the candidate was not born in Hong Kong, please upload the document certifying his/her right of abode.); |
(iii) | the candidate’s report cards for the past 1-2 years (in PDF format). (*File Name: Application for Primary_Name in English_Year of Report Cards, e.g. P2_CHAN TAI MAN_P1) |
6. | The application fee is HK$120. It must be paid at the time of application via PayPal. No refunds will be given. | |
7. | After completing the application procedure, please check the application status. If your application is accepted, ‘Application accepted’ will be displayed on the screen. Please check all information given is correct and the related documents have been uploaded successfully by clicking on ‘Application Particulars’. |
8. | Primary One to Five Entrance Examination will be held on 7th December 2024 (Saturday). All applicants will be informed of the arrangements by email on 29th November 2024 (Friday). |
9. | Subjects Assessed: Chinese, English and Mathematics. | |
10. | The date and time of entrance examination cannot be changed. Late comers or absentees will be deemed to have forfeited. | |
11. | Regardless of whether you are admitted or not, the result will be released on 14th December 2024 (Saturday 10:00am). Please check the result by logging into the online application system with the candidate’s birth certificate number and the date of birth (YYYYMMDD). Under no circumstances should enquiries be made by phone. |
12. | According to the privacy policy, all personal data collected will only be used for application purposes. It will be destroyed three months after the date of application. | |
13. | For enquiries, please call us at 3655 3400 during office hours. |
English Version / 中文版
1. | 凡報讀本校2024-2025年度下學期小一至小五插班,須於2024年11月1日(星期五)上午9:00至2024年11月21日(星期四)下午5:00透過本校網頁進行網上報名。 https://primary.munsang.edu.hk/ → For Public → Admissions → 2024-2025 (2nd Term) |
2. | 報考年齡:報考小一:2018年12月31日或前出生 報考小二:2017年12月31日或前出生 報考小三:2016年12月31日或前出生 報考小四:2015年12月31日或前出生 報考小五:2014年12月31日或前出生 *不收重讀生 |
3. | 只接受網上報名。網上報名程序只適用於桌上電腦。 | |
4. | 申請者必須在一小時內完成整個報名程序及繳付報名費,否則將視作放棄論;申請者須重新進行報名程序。 | |
5. | 進行網上報名前,請先掃描以下文件備用。 (檔案大小為500KB - 1MB,檔案名稱:報考年級_英文全名,例子 P2_CHAN TAI MAN) |
(i) | 正面半身近照JPG檔; | |
(ii) | 考生之出生證明文件PDF檔(如非香港出生者,請同時上載可居港證明文件); | |
(iii) | 最近一至兩年成績表PDF檔(*檔案名稱:報考年級_英文全名_成績表級別,例子 P2_CHAN TAI MAN_P1)。 | |
6. | 報名費為港幣$120,須以有效信用咭透過PayPal系統即時網上繳付。報名費不設退款。 | |
7. | 申請者完成整個報名程序後,請檢視申請狀態,須顯示「已接納申請」才被作實。並請按入「申請人資料」,檢查輸入資料正確無誤及確定成功上載相關文件。 |
8. | 小一至小五插班生入學筆試日期及時間為2024年12月7日(星期六)上午,入學試安排將於2024年11月29日(星期五)以電郵通知。 | |
9. | 入學筆試評核科目︰中文、英文、數學 | |
10. | 入學試日期及時間不可更改,逾時或缺席者當放棄論。 | |
11. | 取錄與否,結果將於2024年12月14日(星期六 上午10:00)公布。申請者請以考生的出世紙號碼及出生日期(YYYYMMDD)登入網上報名系統查閱結果。不設電話查詢。 |
12. | 根據個人資料(私隱)條例,報名填報的個人資料只用作入學報名用途。所有個人資料將於報名程序完成後三個月全部銷毁。 | |
13. | 如有查詢,請於辦公時間內致電本校 3655 3400。 |
2024-2025年度下學期 小一插班入學申請 | ||
2024-2025年度下學期 小二插班入學申請 | ||
2024-2025年度下學期 小三插班入學申請 | ||
2024-2025年度下學期 小四插班入學申請 | ||
2024-2025年度下學期 小五插班入學申請 | ||