1. | Criteria for application | |
. | For students whose families have financial difficulties. | |
2. | Procedure for application | |
. | If a student is eligible, his/her parents should get the Application Form from the General Office. | |
. | Applications should be submitted during the first two weeks of the academic year. | |
. | The completed application form with copies of relevant supporting documents must be submitted to the General Office within a week. | |
. | Letter of Notification will be sent to the applicant to inform him/her of the application result within three weeks from the date of complete submission of documents. | |
3. | Remarks | |
. | The amount of money awarded is decided by the school. | |
. | If the financial situation of the family improves, the parents should notify the school and the fee remission will be withdrawn. | |
. | If a student has financial difficulties during the academic year, his/her parents can submit a written application at any time. |
1. | 申請資格 | |
. | 家境清貧 | |
2. | 申請辦法 | |
. | 符合資格之學生,須由家長來函申請 | |
. | 每學年開學後兩周內提出申請 | |
. | 填妥「學費減免申請表」連同證明文件於一星期內交回行政中心 | |
. | 申請結果通知書將於遞交申請表後三星期內由校方發出 | |
3. | 備註 | |
. | 減免金額由學校核定 | |
. | 獲學費減免之學生如中途家境好轉,應即自動提請停止領取 | |
. | 學生如在學途中因家境有困難而需申請學費減免者,可隨時由家長書面提出申請 |