
 Scholarship  Criteria
Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Performance The best overall result in each class
Class of 1968 Scholarship
for Five Virtues Award
Outstanding performance in Five Virtues – Moral, Intellectual, Physical, Social and Aesthetic
Class of 1977 Scholarship
for Public Achievements
Outstanding achievements in public competitions
Mrs. Lam Lee Chor Ying Memorial Scholarship
for Outstanding Leadership
Outstanding performance in Leadership
Mr. Cheung Chung Leung Memorial Scholarship
for Science Learning
Outstanding performance in Science
Class of 1978 Scholarship for Sports Outstanding achievements in Sports
Scholarship for Visual Arts Outstanding achievements in Visual Arts
Mr. Tsang Piao Kong Memorial Scholarship
for Music
Outstanding achievements in Music
Dr. Daniel Yung Scholarship
for the Most
 Improved Student
The greatest improvement in Academic Performance or Conduct
Dr. Daniel Yung Scholarship
for Uniformed Groups
Outstanding performance in Uniformed Groups
Mrs. Ma Lee Pui Ching Scholarship for Scouts    Outstanding performance in Scouts



奬學金 資格
學業成績優異奬學金 全年總成績最傑出;每班第一名
1968年級一社五育全能奬學金 在德、智、體、群、美五方面有傑出表現
1977年級丙辰社校外比賽卓越表現獎學金 在校外比賽獲獎及表現卓越
林李楚英女士紀念奬學金(傑出領袖才能) 在領袖才能有傑出表現
張仲良先生紀念奬學金(科學探究) 在科學探究有傑出表現
1978年級戊午駿社傑出運動員獎學金 在運動項目有卓越成績及表現突出
視覺藝術奬學金 在視覺藝術比賽獲獎及表現突出
莊表康老師紀念奬學金(音樂) 在音樂比賽獲獎及表現突出
容量東醫生奬學金(最佳進步獎) 在成績或操行有顯著進步
容量東醫生奬學金(制服團隊傑出表現獎) 在制服團隊有卓越表現
馬李佩貞女士獎學金(男童軍優異表現獎) 在男童軍活動有傑出表現